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Founded in 2015, SPARKLE FITNESS ACADEMY Global (known as the SFA) We are a leading provider of fitness certification and education in UK and INDIA . Through our professional partnerships, we have certified thousands of fitness professionals. Sparkle FITNESS Academy Global is a leading education and training provider in the field of fitness, health, and active leisure, offering over 40 different q...

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TEAM 2021-10-31T09:03:07
Sparkle Fitness
Vision Mission 2021-10-08T16:11:27
Sparkle Fitness
Sparkle Programs 2021-10-08T16:19:34
Sparkle Fitness
Why Choose Us? 2021-10-08T16:10:22
Sparkle Fitness

Our Story


Founded in 2015, SPARKLE FITNESS ACADEMY Global (known as the SFA) We are a leading provider of fitness certification and education in UK and INDIA . Through our professional partnerships, we have certified thousands of fitness professionals. Sparkle FITNESS Academy Global is a leading education and training provider in the field of fitness, health, and active leisure, offering over 40 different qualifications and courses for individuals pursuing a career in fitness. Qualifications on offer range from entry – level courses, aimed at those who are just starting their fitness careers, up to more advanced specialist qualifications for experienced trainers. The wide range of quali-fications offered by Sparkle Academy Global provides fitness professionals with the option to select courses tailored to a particular career pathway, supplying them with the knowledge and skills to successfully obtain work in a variety of fitness settings; would you like to make your passion for health and fitness your new profession? Would you like to learn about fitness, nutrition and behavior change and become an expert in your field? Perhaps you feel excited, but are concerned about whether you are fit enough, whether the industry can pay enough or whether there’s more to personal training than just making people sweat? Well, you are in the right place! SPARKLE FITNESS ACADEMY Global is a leading education provider for individuals seeking a career in the lucrative fitness industry. We are driven by the passion of empowering career seekers with in-depth and scientific knowledge behind health and fitness. Dedicated to creating expert trainers who can excel in the field of fitness, we have created courses that address different levels of expertise and skill set required for a bright career in the fitness industry. At Sparkle Academy, along with theoretical knowledge, there is a keen focus on practical application and training. Our state-of-the-art facility provides the perfect arena for learning-by-doing. This leads to an immersive learning experience and strengthens the basics of every learner. With self-learning option, every trainer can advance to different levels by studying anywhere, anytime. Sparkle Programs Our diverse range of programs are well suited for every individual who wants to be a part of the fitness industry. Our personal coaching and business programs cater to those who wish to teach in fitness facilities or set up their own academy for fitness. We also provide training in becoming a group classes instructors for different form of workouts like Pilates, Yoga, Running. Specialist courses health, nutrition and sports conditioning enable individuals to pursue careers in fitness related fields. Vision Develop a community of certified fitness trainers and expand the reach of well being to every human. Make fitness an everyday choice for society by eliminating myths and providing quality education to trainers. Mission To make fitness and health a well defined career path for anyone and everyone who has a passion for it. Train future leaders of fitness industry by empowering them with the right knowledge and right skill set.